
Hawker Britton's occasional papers provide in-depth analysis on the most important public policy issues of the day, across Australia. You can view the Research & Papers Archive here.

Victoria’s Housing Statement


20 September 2023 This morning the Andrews Labor Government released Victoria’s Housing Statement. The statement outlines the Government’s plan to build an extra 800,000 new homes over a decade through planning reforms. The statement also includes a 7.5% levy on short stay accommodation, rental reforms, and a plan to redevelop all of Victoria’s 44 high-rise… Continue reading Victoria’s Housing Statement

2023-24 NSW Budget


On 19 September, New South Wales Treasurer the Hon. Daniel Mookhey MLC delivered the first Budget of the Minns Labor Government and the first Labor Budget since 2010. The approach of Labor in New South Wales is based on responsibility and reward, inclusion and opportunity. Economic stability creates social stability. Opportunity and reward rely on… Continue reading 2023-24 NSW Budget

Invested: Australia’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040


On the 6th of September in Jakarta, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese released Australia’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040 (the Strategy), available here.  By 2040, Southeast Asia is expected to be an “economic powerhouse fuelled by favourable demographics, industrialisation, urbanisation and technological advances”. The region is forecast to sustain a compound average growth rate of… Continue reading Invested: Australia’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040

Changes to Industrial Relations Laws 


At his National Press Club Address on the 31st of August, the Hon. Tony Burke MP, the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations outlined a range of reforms to the Fair Work Legislation.  The reforms represent the second phase of Labor’s industrial relations changes and are part of a larger effort to regulate labour hire,… Continue reading Changes to Industrial Relations Laws 

An invitation: The Uluru Statement from the Heart. The 2023 Voice Referendum


Speaking on the lands of the Kaurna people, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese today announced that the 2023 Referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament (the Referendum) will be held on the 14th of October 2023.  The Referendum will ask Australians if the ‘Voice’, a body providing advice to the government on issues impacting Indigenous people,… Continue reading An invitation: The Uluru Statement from the Heart. The 2023 Voice Referendum

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