
Hawker Britton's occasional papers provide in-depth analysis on the most important public policy issues of the day, across Australia. You can view the Research & Papers Archive here.

Labor Shadow Ministry


Title Shadow Minister Leader of the Opposition Hon Anthony Albanese MP Shadow Cabinet Secretary Senator Jenny McAllister Deputy Leader of the Opposition Shadow Minister for National Reconstruction, Employment Skills and Small Business, Shadow Minister for Science Shadow Minister Assisting for Small Business Shadow Assistant Minister for Employment and Skills Hon Richard Marles MP Hon Richard… Continue reading Labor Shadow Ministry

Victorian Ministry Reshuffle


On Tuesday, 22 December, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced a minor Ministerial reshuffle. Victorian Ministers The Hon. Daniel Andrews MP Premier   The Hon. James Merlino MP Deputy Premier Minister for Education Minister for Mental Health   The Hon. Tim Pallas MP Treasurer Minister for Industrial Relations Minister for Economic Development The Hon. Jaclyn Symes… Continue reading Victorian Ministry Reshuffle

2019-20 Victorian Budget Update


Government’s 2019-20 Budget Update. The 2019-20 Budget Update follows through on more recent commitments made by Labor since the May Budget. The Budget Update outlines how the Victorian Government will continue to deliver record investment in rail and road infrastructure, while maintaining a surplus in a slow national economy. It also makes significant commitments to… Continue reading 2019-20 Victorian Budget Update

Queensland Machinery of Government Changes


Following the Cabinet reshuffle announced by Premier Annastasia Palaszczuk last week the Queensland public service has been restructured accordingly. These changes reflected changes to the ‘Machinery of Government’. As a rule, each Minister has a single Department and Director-General to whom all the relevant divisions of a portfolio report. There have been significant changes to… Continue reading Queensland Machinery of Government Changes

ACT Parliamentary & Governing Agreement


On Monday 2 November 2020, the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Chief Minister and Treasurer, Andrew Barr MLA, delivered the Parliamentary and Governing Agreement for the 10th Legislative Assembly. The Agreement is between Andrew Barr MLA, Leader of the Australian Labor Party ACT Branch, Yvette Berry MLA, Deputy Leader of the Australian Labor Party ACT Branch,… Continue reading ACT Parliamentary & Governing Agreement

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