
Hawker Britton's occasional papers provide in-depth analysis on the most important public policy issues of the day, across Australia. You can view the Research & Papers Archive here.

Queensland Housing Roundtable


Today, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk held a Housing Roundtable with local and state government representatives alongside non-government stakeholders including QShelter, QCOSS, the REIQ, Property Council of Australia, Master Builders, and the Planning Institute of Australia. While housing shortages are an issue across the country, Queensland is experiencing a period of mass interstate migration. In the… Continue reading Queensland Housing Roundtable

Federal Treasurer’s State of the Economy Speech


On Thursday 28 July 2022, Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers delivered a state of the economy speech in parliament. The speech comes a day after the annual inflation figure was released at 6.1%, and ahead of Labor’s new budget planned for delivery in October. The Treasurer used his speech to highlight how Australia’s economy is being… Continue reading Federal Treasurer’s State of the Economy Speech

June 2022 National Cabinet Meeting 


On the 17th of June, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese chaired the first national cabinet since the election to discuss the priorities of the nation.  Originally established in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the National Cabinet is the Australian intergovernmental decision-making forum composed of the Prime Minister and state and territory Premiers and Chief Ministers.  The… Continue reading June 2022 National Cabinet Meeting 

2022-23 South Australian Budget


Introduction On Thursday 2nd June 2022, South Australian Treasurer Stephen Mullighan delivered the 2022-23 SA State Budget. This is the first budget of the Malinauskas Labor Government after defeating the one term Liberal Government at the March 2022 election. The 2022-23 SA Budget projects a surplus of $233 million, an increase on the previous government’s… Continue reading 2022-23 South Australian Budget

The 2022 Australian Federal Election: Results and Policies


The 2022 Federal Australian Election was held on the 21st of May, 2022. The Australian Labor Party was elected into government under leader Anthony Albanese, defeating the incumbent Coalition government, led by Prime Minister Scott Morrison. While not yet confirmed by the Australian Electoral Commission, it is likely that Labor will be able to form… Continue reading The 2022 Australian Federal Election: Results and Policies

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