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Western Australian Budget 2010-11

This afternoon Western Australia’s Coalition Government delivered its 2010-11 State Budget. The Government announced an expected surplus of $286 million in 2010-11, with forecast surpluses across the forward estimates. Economic growth is expected to be 3.75% in 2009-10, with estimates of 4.5% in 2010-11 and 4.75% in 2011-12. The following is an overview of some… Continue reading Western Australian Budget 2010-11

New Cabinet for Western Australia

Western Australia’s 29th Premier, Colin Barnett has announced the line-up of his Cabinet team. Mr Barnett’s Cabinet has 17 Ministers including three National Party MPs and one Independent. Ministers Colin Barnett Premier1; State Development Kim Hames Deputy Premier; Health; Indigenous Affairs Brendon Grylls Regional Development; Lands; Minister Assisting the Minister for State Development; Minister Assisting… Continue reading New Cabinet for Western Australia

Western Australian Budget 2008-2009

Western Australia’s Treasurer Eric Ripper yesterday handed down the state’s 2008-09 Budget. The 2008-09 Budget marked the eighth consecutive balanced budget for Western Australia, and the third consecutive year of above 6% growth. The Government’s expenditure will rise by 7.7 per cent in 08-09 for a total of $18 billion. The three major planks of… Continue reading Western Australian Budget 2008-2009

Western Australian Cabinet Reshuffle

WA Premier Alan Carpenter today announced a reshuffle of his Cabinet. Fran Logan picks up Resources from John Bowler who will take up Local Government from Jon Ford. Eric Ripper takes over State Development from the Premier and keeps Treasury plus his existing responsibility for Native Title. Ljiljanna Ravlich relinquishes the Education portfolio and becomes… Continue reading Western Australian Cabinet Reshuffle