We found 323 results for your search.

Federal Labor Energy Policy – 2050 Emissions Target

To access Hawker Britton’s Occasional Paper on Federal Labor’s 2050 Emissions Target click here. For more information, contact your Hawker Britton consultant here. For more Hawker Britton Occasional papers, click here.      

Federal Labor Policy Statement – Retirement Income and Ageing Strategy

On Wednesday 19 February, Labor Leader Anthony Albanese addressed the Queensland Media Club in Brisbane. In his fourth policy statement, Albanese outlined Labor’s “Positive Ageing Strategy”, which commits to the scheduled increases to superannuation guarantees, increasing employment opportunities for those over 45, expanding healthcare options and redesigning cities and childcare to better integrate an ageing… Continue reading Federal Labor Policy Statement – Retirement Income and Ageing Strategy

Federal Labor Policy Statement – Protecting Democratic Institutions

On Saturday 07 December 2019, Labor Leader Anthony Albanese addressed The Chifley Research Centre in Sydney. In his third policy statement, Albanese outlined Labor’s 5-point strategy to address challenges facing democratic institutions. In the address he called for government to play a leadership role in repairing public discourse, increasing transparency and holding digital-technology companies accountable… Continue reading Federal Labor Policy Statement – Protecting Democratic Institutions