We found 323 results for your search.

June Bimonthly Report update

Hawker Britton’s Bimonthly Report Update presents the latest audits from the NSW Auditor-General and developments in NSW Parliamentary Committees. Of particular interest in this update are the NSW Auditor-General’s Performance Audit of the Cross City Tunnel Project and the Parliamentary Joint Select Committee’s Second Report on the Cross City Tunnel. The view these reports click… Continue reading June Bimonthly Report update

Brisbane City Council Budget

1. Introduction Yesterday Lord Mayor Campbell Newman delivered his third Brisbane City Council Budget. What follows is an outline of some of the initiatives announced and a number of other issues that arise as a consequence of the unique political situation of a Liberal Lord Mayor and a Labor Majority in Council. 2. Policy Initiatives… Continue reading Brisbane City Council Budget

Mining in South Australia

“We in South Australia are pro-business, pro-jobs and pro-mining” – Mike Rann, Premier of South Australia. Premier Rann declared recently that mining in South Australia will become as important an industry to South Australia as it is to Western Australia. On 27 March 2006 the Fraser Institute, an independent Canadian think-tank, announced that South Australia… Continue reading Mining in South Australia

South Australian Shadow Ministry

South Australian Liberal Shadow Ministry On 6 April 2006, the new SA Liberal Leader Mr Iain Evans MP announced his new Shadow Ministry and Parliamentary Secretaries. Mr Evans succeeded Rob Kerin who stood down from the leadership in line with a pledge given before the 18 March 2006 election to do so if defeated. Both… Continue reading South Australian Shadow Ministry