We found 323 results for your search.

Federal Labor’s Special Platform Conference 2021

On Sunday, February 28th 2021, the Australian Labor Party released the final draft of its National Platform ahead of the Special Platform Conference to be held online between March 30th and 31st 2021. The 2021 Platform is the culmination of two years of consultation and research. The document outlines the policy framework which will be… Continue reading Federal Labor’s Special Platform Conference 2021

Federal Labor Industrial Relations Policy – Secure Australian Jobs Plan

On Wednesday 10 February 2021, Labor Leader Anthony Albanese addressed an invited audience at TAFE Queensland’s Southbank campus in Brisbane. Albanese stated Labor’s opposition to the Government’s ‘Fair Work Amendment (Supporting Australia’s Jobs and Economic Recovery) Bill 2020’ and outlined Labor’s position on gig-economy entitlements, and emerging employment paradigms. The Labor leader noted that the… Continue reading Federal Labor Industrial Relations Policy – Secure Australian Jobs Plan

Anthony Albanese: Labor’s Job Security Plan

To access Hawker Britton’s Occasional Paper on Federal Labor’s Industrial Relations policy plan, click here. For more information, contact your Hawker Britton consultant here. For more Hawker Britton Occasional papers, click here.

Labor Shadow Ministry

colourful reflection of Canberra's new parliament building in a fontain pond at sunset.

Title Shadow Minister Leader of the Opposition Hon Anthony Albanese MP Shadow Cabinet Secretary Senator Jenny McAllister Deputy Leader of the Opposition Shadow Minister for National Reconstruction, Employment Skills and Small Business, Shadow Minister for Science Shadow Minister Assisting for Small Business Shadow Assistant Minister for Employment and Skills Hon Richard Marles MP Hon Richard… Continue reading Labor Shadow Ministry

Federal Labor Shadow Ministry Reshuffle – January 2021

To access Hawker Britton’s summary on Federal Labor’s Shadow Ministry Reshuffle, click here. For more information, contact your Hawker Britton consultant click here. For more Hawker Britton Occasional papers, click here.

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