We found 323 results for your search.

Queensland State Election

Queensland Premier Anna Bligh today asked Governor Penny Wensley to dissolve parliament and call an election for 21 March 2009. Currently, the Australian Labor Party holds 58 of Queensland’s 89 seats.  The opposition Liberal National Party holds 25 seats, One Nation and the Greens both hold one seat each, and there are four Independents and.… Continue reading Queensland State Election

South Australian Cabinet Reshuffle

South Australian Premier Mike Rann today announced a minor reshuffle of his cabinet, brought about by the promotion of two new Ministers. Tom Koutsantonis becomes the new Minister for Correctional Services, Road Safety, Gambling Volunteers and Minister assisting the Minister for Multicultural Affairs. Michael O’Brien has been sworn in as the new Minister for Employment,… Continue reading South Australian Cabinet Reshuffle

The Carbon White Paper: Real Politic, Business Opportunities and What to Do

NOW that the heated first round of responses to the Rudd Government’s carbon trading White Paper is cooling, it is worthwhile looking at how businesses can do two very important things in the face of inevitable climate policy progress. The first is to play it smart – by safely negotiating this ‘bigger-than-the-GST’ exercise in economic… Continue reading The Carbon White Paper: Real Politic, Business Opportunities and What to Do

Fair Work Bill

The Minister for Employment & Workplace Relations, Julia Gillard today introduced the Rudd Labor Government’s substantive workplace relations legislation, the Fair Work Bill 2008, into the Australian Parliament.  This bill adds to the measures the Government has already taken to reform the national industrial relations system, including: Abolishing Australian Workplace Agreements The Government has abolished… Continue reading Fair Work Bill

New Industrial Relations Legislation

The Minister for Employment & Workplace Relations, Julia Gillard today introduced the Rudd Labor Government’s substantive workplace relations legislation, the Fair Work Bill 2008, into the Australian Parliament.  This bill adds to the measures the Government has already taken to reform the national industrial relations system, including: Abolishing Australian Workplace Agreements The Government has abolished… Continue reading New Industrial Relations Legislation