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Queensland Budget 2021-22 – Job Creation Plan

This week the Palaszczuk Labor Government committed $3.34 billion to job creation programs ahead of the upcoming state budget. These programs aim to further support Queensland’s COVID-19 economic recovery and increase investment attraction competitiveness by attracting major investment projects, creating ongoing jobs in priority sectors, and further strengthening supply chains. Further announcements about these funds… Continue reading Queensland Budget 2021-22 – Job Creation Plan

Categorized as Queensland

2021-22 Victorian Budget

Parliament of Victoria Melbourne

On 20 May 2021 Victorian Treasurer the Hon. Tim Pallas delivered the Andrews Labor Government’s seventh Budget. The 2021-22 Budget is aimed at recovering from to the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, as well as following through on the commitments made by Labor during the 2018 Victorian State Election. Treasurer Pallas laid out the Victorian… Continue reading 2021-22 Victorian Budget

Categorized as Victoria

2021 Federal Budget Reply

On Thursday 13 May 2021 Federal Opposition Leader the Hon Anthony Albanese MP delivered the 2021 Federal Budget in Reply. Albanese characterised Labor’s policy aims in three parts: An economy that delivers for working families. Investing in Australia’s future. No one held back and no one left behind. The reply outlined Labor’s broader economic agenda… Continue reading 2021 Federal Budget Reply

Anthony Albanese: 2021 Federal Budget in Reply

To access Hawker Britton’s Occasional Paper on Labor’s 2021 Federal Budget Reply, click here. For more information, contact your Hawker Britton consultant here. For more Hawker Britton Occasional papers, click here.

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