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Victorian Government COVID-19 Response: Lockdown extension and additional restrictions.

Parliament of Victoria Melbourne

On Monday, 16 August 2021 Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced an extension of the current lockdown until Thursday, September 2nd, 2021. In addition to the extension, the Premier announced a return to restrictions seen in last year’s stage four lockdown including the curfews and authorised work permits. It is hoped the lockdown will supress the… Continue reading Victorian Government COVID-19 Response: Lockdown extension and additional restrictions.

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Communications and Campaigns

Hawker Britton’s strategic communications expertise will help you with crisis and issues management and media management. Hawker Britton’s success supporting the Australian Labor Party in political campaigns can also be applied to implement winning campaigns in the corporate and community sector, including board and workforce elections. Hawker Britton can help you with: Developing strategies for… Continue reading Communications and Campaigns

Simon Banks

Simon Banks is one of Australia’s most highly respected government relations, campaigning and strategic communications professionals. Since 2007, Simon has advised some of Australia’s and the world’s largest companies on significant commercial transactions requiring Commonwealth Government approvals. Following the 2010 Federal election, Simon served as one of the four “wise elders” that helped the Government,… Continue reading Simon Banks

Western Australia’s inaugural State Infrastructure Strategy

On Wednesday, 21 July Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan launched the draft of the State Government’s inaugural infrastructure strategy, ‘Foundations for a Stronger Tomorrow’. The delivery of the broad-ranging strategy is a key election commitment of the McGowan Labor Government. The draft strategy seeks to implement recommendations from Infrastructure WA to support the planning and… Continue reading Western Australia’s inaugural State Infrastructure Strategy

Victorian Government COVID-19 Response: Circuit Breaker Action – Secondary Business Support Package

Parliament of Victoria Melbourne

On Wednesday, 21 July Victorian Minister for Minister for Industry Support and Recovery Martin Pakula announced further financial support for businesses impacted by Victoria’s extended July ‘Circuit Breaker’ lockdown. The $282.5 million extended July Circuit Breaker Business Support Package is designed to assist more than 90,000 Victorian businesses. The announcement contains further support for previous… Continue reading Victorian Government COVID-19 Response: Circuit Breaker Action – Secondary Business Support Package

Categorized as Victoria

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