We found 323 results for your search.

National Anti-Corruption Commission Bill 2022

colourful reflection of Canberra's new parliament building in a fontain pond at sunset.

Background Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus and the Albanese Labor Government introduced the National Anti-Corruption Commission Bill 2022 in Parliament this morning. The establishment of a National Anti-Corruption Commission is an election commitment Labor had pledged to legislate by the end of 2022. The Albanese Labor Government has committed $262 million over four years to fund the… Continue reading National Anti-Corruption Commission Bill 2022

Queensland Housing Roundtable

Today, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk held a Housing Roundtable with local and state government representatives alongside non-government stakeholders including QShelter, QCOSS, the REIQ, Property Council of Australia, Master Builders, and the Planning Institute of Australia. While housing shortages are an issue across the country, Queensland is experiencing a period of mass interstate migration. In the… Continue reading Queensland Housing Roundtable

Jobs and Skills Summit 2022

On September 1 and 2, government, employers, civil society, and unions met at Parliament House to address the shared economic challenges faced by Australian workplaces today. The primary focus of the Australian Jobs and Skills Summit – led by the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Treasurer Jim Chalmers – was to inform the Employment White… Continue reading Jobs and Skills Summit 2022

National Biosecurity Strategy

colourful reflection of Canberra's new parliament building in a fontain pond at sunset.

During his National Press Club Address on the 9th of August, The Federal Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, the Hon. Senator Murray Watt released the first National Biosecurity Strategy.  While state and territory governments have previously undertaken their own biosecurity planning, the overarching national plan harmonises mitigation and recovery strategies, in a bid to… Continue reading National Biosecurity Strategy

Federal Treasurer’s State of the Economy Speech

colourful reflection of Canberra's new parliament building in a fontain pond at sunset.

On Thursday 28 July 2022, Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers delivered a state of the economy speech in parliament. The speech comes a day after the annual inflation figure was released at 6.1%, and ahead of Labor’s new budget planned for delivery in October. The Treasurer used his speech to highlight how Australia’s economy is being… Continue reading Federal Treasurer’s State of the Economy Speech

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