
Hawker Britton's occasional papers provide in-depth analysis on the most important public policy issues of the day, across Australia. You can view the Research & Papers Archive here.

June 2022 National Cabinet Meeting 


On the 17th of June, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese chaired the first national cabinet since the election to discuss the priorities of the nation.  Originally established in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the National Cabinet is the Australian intergovernmental decision-making forum composed of the Prime Minister and state and territory Premiers and Chief Ministers.  The… Continue reading June 2022 National Cabinet Meeting 

2022-23 South Australian Budget


Introduction On Thursday 2nd June 2022, South Australian Treasurer Stephen Mullighan delivered the 2022-23 SA State Budget. This is the first budget of the Malinauskas Labor Government after defeating the one term Liberal Government at the March 2022 election. The 2022-23 SA Budget projects a surplus of $233 million, an increase on the previous government’s… Continue reading 2022-23 South Australian Budget

Australian Government Departmental Changes 


On the 1st of June, following the swearing-in of the first Albanese Ministry, the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet announced new Administrative Arrangements Orders. Administrative Arrangements Orders (AAOs) formally allocate executive responsibility among ministers. They set out which matters and legislation are administered by which department or portfolio. The full administrative orders can be… Continue reading Australian Government Departmental Changes 

The First Albanese Ministry


Following a meeting of the Labor Caucus on the 31st of May, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced his Government’s first full ministry.  The Labor Party has also been confirmed as having won 77 seats in the House of Representatives and thus will form a majority government.  Anika Wells MP, Kristy McBain MP and Anne Aly… Continue reading The First Albanese Ministry

NT Cabinet Reshuffle 


On 10th May 2022, the Northern Territory Chief Minister, Michael Gunner resigned from his position. Following a meeting of the NT Labor caucus, Hon Natasha Fyles MLA was elected unanimously as the leader of the Labor Party and as the 12th Chief Minister of the Northern Territory. On Monday 23 May, Chief Minister Fyles announced… Continue reading NT Cabinet Reshuffle 

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