We found 323 results for your search.

Northern Territory Labor

To access the Hawker Britton Occasional Paper on Labor in the Northern Territory after the 2012 election, click here. For more information, please contact your Hawker Britton consultant. To access more Hawker Britton Occasional Papers, click here.    

Labor Government and the Post-Election Outlook

On 7 September 2010, the Independents Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott announced they would support a Gillard Labor minority government. See Hawker Britton’s paper, Labor Government and the Post-Election Outlook, for details about the election outcome, the agreements made and the outlook for the Gillard Government’s first term. The Parliamentary Library has released an excellent Research Paper on… Continue reading Labor Government and the Post-Election Outlook

Greens-Labor Agreement

Today the Australian Greens signed an Agreement to support a Gillard Labor Government. The Agreement was developed in order to establish a basis for stable and effective government. This Agreement is significant because it formalises Greens MP Adam Bandt’s commitment to forming a Labor Government. It brings Labor to a total of 73 seats in the… Continue reading Greens-Labor Agreement