We found 118 results for your search.

WA Cabinet Reshuffle

Parliament of Western Australia - Perth

On the 13th of December 2022, Premier Mark McGowan announced two new Ministers will join his Cabinet team following a Special Caucus Meeting involving all Labor Members of Parliament.  They will take the places of retiring Minister Alannah MacTiernan and outgoing Water Minister Dave Kelly, who announced last week he would be stepping down from… Continue reading WA Cabinet Reshuffle

WA Treasurer Delivers Third McGowan Labor Government Budget

To access Hawker Britton’s Occasional Paper on WA Treasurer Delivers Third McGowan Labor Government Budget, click here.  For more information, contact your Hawker Britton consultant here. For more Hawker Britton Occasional papers, click here.

NSW 2010 Budget

NSW Budget 2010-11 NSW Treasurer Eric Roozendaal today handed down the 2010-11 NSW Budget. The Budget’s key numbers reflect an overall improvement in NSW’s fiscal position compared to 2009. The 2009-10 Budget projected a deficit of $990 million, falling to $116 million for 2010-11 before a return to surpluses from 2011-12 onwards. As a result… Continue reading NSW 2010 Budget

Tasmanian 2010 election overview

Summary The Tasmanian Labor Government has been in power since 1998.  Now led by David Bartlett, Labor is aiming to win a fourth consecutive election at the March election. Historically, Tasmanian politics has been dominated by Labor.  Since 1934, non-Labor parties have only held government for 16 years.  More recently, the situation has been more… Continue reading Tasmanian 2010 election overview

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