We found 118 results for your search.

Housing Affordability Fund

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd along with the Minister for Housing, Tanya Plibersek have released the guidelines for the Housing Affordability Fund and announced the first round of Expressions of Interest. The Fund aims to mitigate two significant barriers to the supply of housing including reducing holding costs resulting from long planning and approval waiting times… Continue reading Housing Affordability Fund

The New Senate

The Senate consists of 76 Senators, twelve from each of the six states and two from each of the mainland territories. The Senate will sit next from Tuesday 26 August to Thursday 4 September 2008. (Note the Senate does not sit on Friday, 29 August) Party Continuing New Total Liberal Party of Australia 29 3… Continue reading The New Senate

Government Appointments

The Western Australian State Government has announced three senior positions in recent weeks: Anne Nolan has been appointed Director General of the Department of Industry and Resources.  Anne was previously the Deputy Director General of the Department of Premier and Cabinet and has held a number of senior roles in the Energy and Treasury and… Continue reading Government Appointments

Northern Territory Election 2008

The Northern Territory will go to the polls on August 9. Northern Territory Chief Minister Paul Henderson called an early election yesterday by asking the Northern Territory Administrator to dissolve parliament.  The Government and Opposition will have 19 days to campaign. The Northern Territory does not need to go to a poll until before mid-June… Continue reading Northern Territory Election 2008

A Rudd Labor Government and Business

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was elected on a positive agenda for reform focussed on six key areas: An Education Revolution; A national plan to fix our hospitals; Decisive action on climate change and water; Balance and Fairness in the workplace; Maintaining a strong economy that delivers for working families; and Maintaining our national security. Kevin… Continue reading A Rudd Labor Government and Business