We found 118 results for your search.

Western Australia’s Trade Mission to India

Parliament of Western Australia - Perth

The Western Australian Deputy Premier, the Hon. Roger Cook MLA will lead a Western Australian Government trade mission to India from the 12th to the 19th of July 2022.  Diversifying the Western Australian Economy remains a priority for the McGowan state government, with 1.3 billion allocated in the 2022-23 State Budget to the Diversify WA… Continue reading Western Australia’s Trade Mission to India

2022-23 Western Australian Budget  

Parliament House, Perth at night. Located on Harvest Terrace in West Perth, Western Australia. It is the home of the Parliament of Western Australia. It features Greek Revival architecture elements.

Introduction  On Thursday 12th May 2022, the Western Australian Premier and Treasurer Mark McGowan delivered the 2022-23 WA State Budget. The budget comes as WA continues its soft landing out of the 24 months of COVID-19 restrictions and in the lead up to the Australian Federal Election.   WA’s underlying financial position will be almost $5.7… Continue reading 2022-23 Western Australian Budget  

New task force to examine Western Australian shipping industry

Parliament of Western Australia - Perth

On Saturday, March 5th, Western Australia’s Deputy Premier Roger Cook and Minister for Transport; Planning and Ports Rita Saffioti announced the establishment of a Shipping and Supply Chain Taskforce.  Unprecedented flooding on Australia’s East Coast and in South Australia alongside severe weather events in the North-west have caused significant supply chain issues and food shortages… Continue reading New task force to examine Western Australian shipping industry

Western Australia’s Critical Worker Furloughing Registration System

Parliament of Western Australia - Perth

On Monday the 21st of February, the WA Premier Mark McGowan and the Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson launched the online critical worker furloughing registration system. When implemented,  the critical worker furloughing policy will permit certain critical workers who are asymptomatic close contacts to temporarily attend work during their isolation period to alleviate workforce shortages, maintain… Continue reading Western Australia’s Critical Worker Furloughing Registration System

Western Australia announces border reopening

Parliament of Western Australia - Perth

On Friday, 18th February, the Western Australian Premier, Mark McGowan, announced that as of 12:01 am on Thursday, March 3rd, Western Australia would re-open its border to triple-dosed interstate travellers.  The Premier had initially delayed the border re-opening to provide young West Australians with sufficient time to receive their first dose and others their third… Continue reading Western Australia announces border reopening

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