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Changes to the WA Shadow Ministry

The leader of the Opposition in Western Australia, Eric Ripper, yesterday announced changes to Labor’s Shadow Ministry. Michelle Roberts has been appointed Shadow Treasurer, Shadow Minister for Tourism and Government Accountability. Ken Travers is to become the Shadow Finance Minister. Ben Wyatt has been given the Education portfolio. Fran Logan will take on Corrective Services.… Continue reading Changes to the WA Shadow Ministry

Commonwealth 2010-11 Budget Overview

Federal Budget 2010-11 The Federal Budget 2010-11 is the third delivered by the Rudd Government and by the Treasurer, the Hon. Wayne Swan MP. Australia’s economic landscape has changed significantly since the 2009-10 Budget which was handed down while the repercussions from the global economic downturn were still unfolding. The 2010-11 Budget demonstrates Australia’s success in steering… Continue reading Commonwealth 2010-11 Budget Overview

COAG Health Agreement

The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) met in Canberra on 19-20 April 2010 to negotiate an historic agreement to reform health and hospitals funding arrangements between the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments. Background On 3 March 2010, the Government proposed significant structural reforms to hospital funding arrangements following detailed consideration of the report of the… Continue reading COAG Health Agreement