Victoria’s Housing Statement

Long exposure Flinders Street Station - Melbourne, Australia shot at night.

20 September 2023 This morning the Andrews Labor Government released Victoria’s Housing Statement. The statement outlines the Government’s plan to build an extra 800,000 new homes over a decade through planning reforms. The statement also includes a 7.5% levy on short stay accommodation, rental reforms, and a plan to redevelop all of Victoria’s 44 high-rise… Continue reading Victoria’s Housing Statement

2023-24 NSW Budget

On 19 September, New South Wales Treasurer the Hon. Daniel Mookhey MLC delivered the first Budget of the Minns Labor Government and the first Labor Budget since 2010. The approach of Labor in New South Wales is based on responsibility and reward, inclusion and opportunity. Economic stability creates social stability. Opportunity and reward rely on… Continue reading 2023-24 NSW Budget

Intergenerational Report

colourful reflection of Canberra's new parliament building in a fontain pond at sunset.

On the 24th of August, during his National Press Club Address, Treasurer Jim Chalmers released the 2023 Intergenerational Report (IGR).  The report can be accessed in full here. The IGR functions as a mechanism to evaluate the efficacy of present governmental policies in shaping the upcoming four decades, providing a pivotal glimpse into the future… Continue reading Intergenerational Report

The week that was in Victorian politics

 24 July 2023 The week beginning 17th of July 2023 in Victorian politics has been significant in delivering substantial reforms to reduce gambling harm caused by electronic gaming machines, or ‘pokies’. The Government also made the difficult decision to cancel the 2026 Commonwealth Games with excessive revised costs associated with hosting the Games being the… Continue reading The week that was in Victorian politics

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