Queensland Government COVID-19 Roadmap Update

Brisbane's story bridge at twilight colorful evening after sunset Queensland

Easing of border restrictions Today Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced that from 1am, Monday December 13th fully vaccinated travellers from interstate hotspots will be able to enter Queensland after returning a negative COVID test without needing to quarantine. The Premier had previously announced that border restrictions would be eased when Queensland reaches 80% fully vaccinated.… Continue reading Queensland Government COVID-19 Roadmap Update

The ALP’s Powering Australia Plan

colourful reflection of Canberra's new parliament building in a fontain pond at sunset.

On Friday, 3 December 2021, Anthony Albanese, and Chris Bowen launched the Powering Australia Plan. The new medium-term plan introduces a suite of policy measures – including significant investments in new energy economy jobs.    Climate Change Targets   Labor has already committed to make Australia net-zero by 2050.   Today’s announcement commits the Australian Labor Party to reducing emissions by… Continue reading The ALP’s Powering Australia Plan

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