South East Queensland City Deal

Brisbane's story bridge at twilight colorful evening after sunset Queensland

On Monday, the 21st of March, Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Brisbane’s Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner announced the South East Queensland City Deal. South East Queensland is one of the fastest-growing regions in Australia and the $1.8-billion deal outlines a 20-year pipeline of projects to help maintain the region’s liveability through… Continue reading South East Queensland City Deal

Categorized as Queensland

South East Queensland Flood Recovery Grants 

Brisbane's story bridge at twilight colorful evening after sunset Queensland

In late February and March 2022, the Australian east coast was battered by severe floods, impacting 22 local government areas and 8 cities in Queensland. Federal, State and Local Governments have announced numerous grants to help flood-affected Queenslanders get back on their feet. These grants are aimed at aiding community recovery in the short to… Continue reading South East Queensland Flood Recovery Grants 

Categorized as Queensland

Queensland Government COVID-19 Roadmap Update

Brisbane's story bridge at twilight colorful evening after sunset Queensland

Easing of border restrictions Today Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced that from 1am, Monday December 13th fully vaccinated travellers from interstate hotspots will be able to enter Queensland after returning a negative COVID test without needing to quarantine. The Premier had previously announced that border restrictions would be eased when Queensland reaches 80% fully vaccinated.… Continue reading Queensland Government COVID-19 Roadmap Update

Queensland Investment Attraction

On Monday 21 June 2021, Queensland Treasurer and Minister for Investment Cameron Dick addressed a post-Budget event hosted by the Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA). In the address Minister Dick announced a new investment policy to sit within the newly created Queensland Jobs Fund for further industry attraction and development. Invested in Queensland… Continue reading Queensland Investment Attraction

Categorized as Queensland

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