Queensland’s Energy and Jobs Plan

The Queensland Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk, during her CEDA State of the State address launched a 10-year Energy and Jobs Plan (the Plan) outlining the state’s transition away from fossil fuels.  The multifaceted plan, which can be accessed here, strives to decarbonise the state as well as promote economic opportunities for green manufacturing and the export… Continue reading Queensland’s Energy and Jobs Plan

Categorized as Queensland

Queensland Housing Roundtable

Today, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk held a Housing Roundtable with local and state government representatives alongside non-government stakeholders including QShelter, QCOSS, the REIQ, Property Council of Australia, Master Builders, and the Planning Institute of Australia. While housing shortages are an issue across the country, Queensland is experiencing a period of mass interstate migration. In the… Continue reading Queensland Housing Roundtable

The Coaldrake Review 

Last night, on the 28th of June 2022, the Final Report of the Review of culture and accountability in the Queensland Public Sector was released. Referred to as the Coaldrake Review (the Review), it addresses several issues at the core of which are culture and accountability in the Queensland Public Sector. Queensland’s Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk… Continue reading The Coaldrake Review 

Categorized as Queensland

Queensland 2022-23 Budget

Parliament House historical architecture Brisbane Australia

On Tuesday 21st of June 2022, Queensland Treasurer Cameron Dick delivered the 2022-23 Queensland Budget. This is the Palaszczuk government’s eighth budget as the state continues to recover from the economic impacts of the pandemic.  Queensland has the fastest growing population in the country and the treasurer has marked this as the “budget for tomorrow”. … Continue reading Queensland 2022-23 Budget

Categorized as Queensland

2032 SEQ Olympic and Paralympic Games – April 2022 Update  

Brisbane's story bridge at twilight colorful evening after sunset Queensland

Introduction  On 25 February 2021, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced that Brisbane had won the bid to host the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The Games are scheduled to take place between 23rd July – 8th August 2032, followed by the Paralympic Games from 24th August – 5th September 2032.   An economic assessment commissioned… Continue reading 2032 SEQ Olympic and Paralympic Games – April 2022 Update  

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