Victorian Government Ministry

On 5 December 2022, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced the portfolio allocations of the new Victorian Ministry, following the Labor Party’s victory at the state election in November.

There are two new faces in Cabinet, Enver Erdogan, who will serve as Minister for Corrections, Youth Justice, and Victim Support, and Natalie Suleyman, who will be responsible for Veterans, Small Business, and Youth.

Lizzie Blandthorn, who first entered the ministry in the June 2022 reshuffle, will become Deputy Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council, with the portfolios of Disability, Ageing and Carers, and Child Protection and Family Services, leading the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing. Sonya Kilkenny will replace Blandthorn as Minister for Planning, and will also serve as Minister for Outdoor Recreation.

Danny Pearson will be continuing to serve as Assistant Treasurer, however will also become Minister for Government Services, overseeing the new Department of Government Services to be established by the Machinery of Government changes effective 1 January 2023. Pearson will also become Minister for WorkSafe and the TAC, and Minister for Consumer Affairs.

Lily D’Ambrosio will be adding Minister for the State Electricity Commission, as well as serving as Minister for Climate Action and Minister for Energy and Resources. Resources was previously held by Jaala Pulford, who retired at the recent state election.

Ingrid Stitt will become Minister for the Environment, and will continue as Minister for Early Childhood and Pre-Prep.

Continuing as Minister for Health, Mary-Anne Thomas will take on Leader of the House, and the portfolios of Health Infrastructure and Medical Research.

Gabrielle Williams is picking up responsibility for Ambulance Services, on top of her existing portfolios of Mental Health, and Treaty and First Peoples.

Collin Brooks will serve as Minister for Housing, and Minister for Multicultural Affairs.

See below for a full list of Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries.

Hawker Britton’s brief on the 2022 Victorian State Election results and policy commitments can be read here.

Further information

For more information, please contact your Hawker Britton Victorian Directors JP Blandthorn on +61 3 9034 3021 and Emma Webster on +61 3 9034 3020.

Further Hawker Britton Occasional Papers are available here.

Victorian Cabinet

Premier of VictoriaThe Hon. Daniel Andrews
Deputy Premier Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop Minister for Commonwealth Games DeliveryThe Hon. Jacinta Allan
Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council Attorney-General Minister for Emergency ServicesThe Hon. Jaclyn Symes
Treasurer Minister for Industrial Relations Minister for Trade and InvestmentThe Hon. Tim Pallas  
Deputy Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers Minister for Child Protection and Family ServicesThe Hon. Lizzie Blandthorn
Minister for Housing Minister for Multicultural AffairsThe Hon. Colin Brooks
Minister for Police Minister for Crime Prevention Minister for RacingThe Hon. Anthony Carbines  
Minister for Industry and Innovation [CM] Minister for Manufacturing Sovereignty Minister for Employment Minister for Public TransportThe Hon. Ben Carroll
Minister for Climate Action Minister for Energy and Resources Minister for the State Electricity CommissionThe Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio
Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events Minister for Creative IndustriesThe Hon. Steve Dimopoulos  
Minister for Corrections Minister for Youth Justice Minister for Victim SupportThe Hon. Enver Erdogan
Minister for Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation Minister for Local Government Minister for Ports and Freight Minister for Roads and Road SafetyThe Hon. Melissa Horne  
Minister for Education Minister for WomenThe Hon. Natalie Hutchins
Minister for Planning Minister for Outdoor RecreationThe Hon. Sonya Kilkenny  
Minister for Government Services Assistant Treasurer Minister for WorkSafe and the TAC Minister for Consumer AffairsThe Hon. Danny Pearson  
Minister for Water Minister for Regional Development Minister for Commonwealth Games Legacy Minister for EqualityThe Hon. Harriet Shing  
Minister for Prevention of Family Violence Minister for Community Sport Minister for Suburban DevelopmentThe Hon. Ros Spence  
Minister for Early Childhood & Pre-Prep Minister for EnvironmentThe Hon. Ingrid Stitt  
Minister for Veterans Minister for Small Business Minister for YouthThe Hon. Natalie Suleyman  
Leader of the House Minister for Health Minister for Health Infrastructure Minister for Medical ResearchThe Hon. Mary-Anne Thomas  
Minister for Training and Skills Minister for Higher Education Minister for AgricultureThe Hon. Gayle Tierney  
Minister for Mental Health Minister for Ambulance Services Minister for Treaty and First PeoplesThe Hon. Gabrielle Williams  
Cabinet SecretaryMr. Steve McGhie
Parliamentary Secretary to the PremierMr. Nick Staikos MP
Parliamentary Secretary to the TreasurerMr. Paul Edbrooke
Parliamentary Secretary for Level Crossing Removals Parliamentary Secretary for TransportMr. Josh Bull
Parliamentary Secretary for the Commonwealth GamesMr. Darren Cheeseman
Parliamentary Secretary for First PeoplesMs. Christine Couzens
Parliamentary Secretary for JobsMs. Bronwyn Halfpenny
Parliamentary Secretary for Creative Industries Parliamentary Secretary for Early ChildhoodMs. Katie Hall
Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural AffairsMr. Nathan Lambert
Parliamentary Secretary for Health Infrastructure Parliamentary Secretary for Mental Health and Suicide PreventionMr. Tim Richardson
Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Development Parliamentary Secretary for AgricultureMs. Michaela Settle  
Parliamentary Secretary for Training and SkillsMs. Nina Taylor
Parliamentary Secretary for Women’s HealthMs. Kat Theophanous
Parliamentary Secretary for EducationMs. Vicki Ward
Parliamentary Secretary for Housing Parliamentary Secretary for VolunteersMs. Sheena Watt

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