Victorian Government COVID-19 Response: Lockdown extension and restrictions update

On Wednesday 1 September 2021, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced that many of the current lockdown restrictions will remain in place until 70 per cent of Victorians have received at least one vaccine dose. This target is expected to be achieved by Thursday 23 September.

Subject to health advice, parts of regional Victoria may see certain restrictions ease next week.

Changes from 11:59pm Thursday 2 September

From 11:59pm on Thursday 2 September, there will be two restriction changes.

  • Playgrounds will re-open with strict safety rules in place. Playgrounds will be for children under 12 with only one parent or carer. Adults must keep their masks on and check-in with the provided QR code.
  • In-home care such as babysitters will be expanded to school aged children. These children must have both parents as authorised workers.

Current Restrictions

Current restrictions remain in place. There are only five reasons to leave home.

  1. Shopping for food or other essential items – within five kilometres of an individual’s household.
  2. To provide care giving, for compassionate reasons or to seek medical treatment.
  3. For exercise, for up to two hours – within five kilometres of an individual’s household – with one other person plus dependants.
  4. Work or study if you cannot work or study from home.
  5. To get vaccinated.

The full table of current restrictions are available here.

Expected changes on Thursday 23 September

Once 70% of Victorians have received their first dose, restrictions are expected to ease further. This will be subject to epidemiological conditions and public health advice at the time.


  • The 5km radius for exercise and shopping will be expanded to 10km from place of residence.
  • Exercise will be permitted for an extra hour, up to three hours per day. Outdoor personal training will be allowed with up to two people plus the trainer. Outdoor communal gym equipment and skateparks will reopen.
  • Private Real Estate inspections of unoccupied premises, such as for new purchases or for end of lease arrangements, are permitted. For inspections, the agent must stay outdoors during the inspection.
  • Construction will be able to increase to 50% workforce capacity once 90% of workers have received their first vaccine dose.
  • Up to 5 staff will be able to work onsite at entertainment venues to broadcast performances.


  • From Tuesday 7 September until Friday 17 September, year 12 students will be part of a priority vaccination program. This involves priority booking at state-run Pfizer clinics, for year 12 students, teachers, and examiners.
  • GAT Testing will be held on Tuesday 5 October once year 12 students have received their first dose.
  • There will be no face-to-face learning in Term 3. Considerations for Term 4 will be announced next week.

For more information, contact Hawker Britton Victorian Directors, JP Blandthorn at [email protected] and Emma Webster at [email protected], or Policy and Business Analyst, Millie Boag at [email protected].

Further Hawker Britton Occasional Papers on the activities of the Victorian Government are available here.

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