Victorian Ministry Reshuffle

On Tuesday, 22 December, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced a minor Ministerial reshuffle.

Victorian Ministers

The Hon. Daniel Andrews MPPremier
  The Hon. James Merlino MPDeputy Premier Minister for Education Minister for Mental Health
  The Hon. Tim Pallas MPTreasurer Minister for Industrial Relations Minister for Economic Development
The Hon. Jaclyn Symes Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council  Attorney-General Minister for Resources
The Hon. Jacinta Allan MP Leader of the House  Minister for Transport Infrastructure Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop
  The Hon. Ben Carroll MPMinister for Public Transport Minister for Roads and Road Safety
  The Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio MPMinister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Minister for Solar Homes
  The Hon. Luke Donnellan MPMinister for Child Protection Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers
  The Hon. Martin Foley MPMinister for Health Minister for Equality Minister for the Coordination of Health and Human Services – COVID-19
  The Hon. Mary-Anne ThomasMinister for Regional Development Minister for Agriculture
The Hon. Ingrid StittMinister for Workplace Safety Minister for Early Childhood
  The Hon. Melissa Horne MPMinister for Consumer Affairs, Gaming and Liquor Regulation Minister for Ports and Freight Minister for Fishing and Boating
The Hon. Natalie Hutchins MPMinister for Crime Prevention Minister for Corrections
 Minister for Youth Justice Minister for Victim Support
  The Hon. Shaun Leane MLCMinister for Local Government Minister for Suburban Development Minister for Veterans
  The Hon. Lisa Neville MPMinister for Water Minister for Police and Emergency Services Minister for the Coordination of Environment, Land, Water and Planning – COVID-19
  The Hon. Martin Pakula MPMinister for Industry Support and Recovery Minister for Trade Minister for Business Precincts Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events Minister for Racing Minister for the Coordination of Jobs, Precincts and Regions – COVID 19
  The Hon Danny Pearson MPAssistant Treasurer Minister for Regulatory Reform Minister for Government Services Minister for Creative Industries
  The Hon. Jaala Pulford MLCMinister for Employment Minister for Innovation, Medical Research, and the Digital Economy Minister for Small Business
  The Hon. Ros Spence MPMinister for Multicultural Affairs Minister for Community Sport Minister for Youth
The Hon. Gayle Tierney MLC Deputy Leader of the Government in the Legislative CouncilMinister for Skills and Training Minister for Higher Education
Gabrielle Williams MPMinister for Aboriginal Affairs Minister for Prevention of Family Violence Minister for Women
The Hon. Richard Wynne MPMinister for Housing Minister for Planning
Sonya Kilkenny MPCabinet Secretary

Parliamentary Secretaries

Steve Dimopoulos MPParliamentary Secretary to the Premier Parliamentary Secretary for Mental Health
  Josh Bull MPParliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs Parliamentary Secretary for Youth
  Anthony Carbines MPParliamentary Secretary for Health Parliamentary Secretary for Carers and Volunteers
Nick Staikos MPParliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer
  Paul Edbrooke MPParliamentary Secretary for Police and Emergency Services Parliamentary Secretary for Bushfire Recovery
Jane Garrett MLCParliamentary Secretary for Jobs
  Danielle Green MPParliamentary Secretary for Regional Victoria Parliamentary Secretary for Sport
Bronwyn Halfpenny MPParliamentary Secretary for Workplace Safety
Frank McGuire MPParliamentary Secretary for Crime Prevention Parliamentary Secretary for Medical Research
Cesar Melhem MLCParliamentary Secretary for Skills and Training
Tim Richardson MPParliamentary Secretary for Schools
Harriet Shing MLCParliamentary Secretary for Creative Industries Parliamentary Secretary for Equality Parliamentary Secretary for Water
Vicki Ward MPParliamentary Secretary for Transport
Steve McGhie MPParliamentary Secretary for Health

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