Summary of Machinery of Government Changes to Departments in QLD

This was announced today (26 March) by the QLD Public Service Commission.

For more detail on the Administrative Arrangements Order and the specifics acts of Parliament that each department is now responsible for, please click here.

Gains: Department of Child SafetyDisability Services Queensland

Department of Housing

Sport and Recreation and the Academy of Sport (including associated corporate and executive support functions) from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Recreation

Indigenous Government Coordination Office from the Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Loses: Smart Services Queensland to the Department of Public Works
Community Safety
Gains: Department of Corrective ServicesDepartment of Emergency Services
Education and Training
Renamed from the Department of Education, Training and the Arts
Loses: Arts Queensland to the Department of the Premier and CabinetCorporate Administration Agency to the Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
Gains: Department of Mines and EnergyDepartment of Primary Industries and Fisheries

Department of Tourism, Regional Development and Industry

Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing from the Treasury Department

That part of the Department of Employment and Industrial Relations responsible for employment and indigenous initiatives

That part of the Department of Justice and Attorney-General responsible for Fair Trading

Trade Queensland from the Department of Transport

International Collaborations from the Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Office of Rural and Regional Communities from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Recreation.

Environment and Resource Management
Gains: The Department of Natural Resources and WaterEnvironmental Protection Agency

No change

Infrastructure and Planning
Gains: The Department of Local Government, Sport and Recreation (excluding Sport and Recreation, the Queensland Academy of Sport and the associated corporate support functions for these entities)
Justice and Attorney-General
Gains: The Department of Employment and Industrial Relations (including Workplace Health and Safety) but excluding that part responsible for employment and indigenous initiatives
Loses: That part of the Department of Justice and Attorney-General responsible for Fair Trading to the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
Gains: Security, Planning and Coordination from the Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Premier and Cabinet
Gains: Arts Queensland from the Department of Education, Training and the ArtsCorporate Administration Agency from the Department of Education, Training and the Arts
Loses: International Collaborations to the Department of Employment, Economic Development and InnovationSecurity, Planning and Coordination to the Department of Police

Indigenous Government Coordination Office to the Department of Communities.

Public Works
Gains: Smart Service Queensland from the Department of Communities
Transport and Main Roads
Gains: Department of Main RoadsDepartment of Transport (excluding Trade Queensland)
Loses: Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing to the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
The following entities have been amalgamated with the 13 Departments as outlined above and cease to exist:
  • Department of Child Safety
  • Department of Corrective Services
  • Disability Services Queensland
  • Department of Emergency Services
  • Department of Employment and Industrial Relations
  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • Department of Housing
  • Department of Local Government, Sport and Recreation
  • Department of Main Roads
  • Department of Mines and Energy
  • Department of Natural Resources and Water
  • Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries
  • Department of Tourism, Regional Development and Industry
  • Department of Transport