Changes in Queensland Senior Public Service
Health Minister Geoff Wilson announced the appointment of Dr Tony O’Connell as Director-General of Queensland Health on Friday the 7th October 2011.
Dr O’Connell, an intensive care specialist, has 35 years of frontline experience in hospitals as well as a deep understanding of health system reforms. He will be responsible for driving the Government’s commitment to health reforms, including the creation of Local Health and Hospital Networks (see here).
Dr O’Connell has previously worked at a senior level in the NSW Department of Health and his contributions to Queensland Health include the Elective Surgery Long Wait Reduction Strategy, and work on Patient Flow in Emergency Department waiting times.
Dr O’Connell has acted in the role since the departure of the former Director-General, and formally commenced as Director-General on Friday.
Hawker Britton has always found Dr O’Connell to be engaged, creative and thoughtful and he will require all of those qualities in this challenging role.
The list of current Director-Generals is as follows;
Dr Tony O’Connell
Queensland Health
John Bradley
Department of Premier and Cabinet
Kelvin Anderson
Department of Community Safety
Jack Noye
Department of Local Government and Planning
Natalie MacDonald
Department of Public Works
Linda Apelt
Department of Communities
Julie Grantham
Department of Education and Training
Ian Fletcher
Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
Jim Reeves
Department of Environment and Resource Management
Philip Reed
Department of Justice and Attorney-General
David Stewart
Department of Transport and Main Roads
Gerard Bradley
Department of Treasury
Bob Atkinson APM
Queensland Police
For more information, contact your Hawker Britton consultant.